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Our Methodology.

Your project is our passion.

Welcome to the way Cube works, where we turn our years of experience in the construction industry into a smooth and delightful journey for you. Our seven-step methodology is your ticket to a stress-free project, and here's how we do it:


Right from the get-go, we’re here to help with expert advice and assistance. We dive into every aspect of project planning, from creating a tailored specification and efficient programme to developing a detailed cost plan.

We guide you through the viability of your ideas, meticulously examining every detail to address potential challenges.

By the end of this stage, you'll be set for a project that’s on time, on budget, and top quality—leaving you with one less thing to worry about.


Now the fun begins! This is where your ideas come to life. Our creative team transforms initial sketches into production-ready plans, turning your vision into reality.

We gather site-specific information to create a customised package, agreeing on finishes, materials, and fixing strategies.

Plus, we collaborate with your design teams and other trades to ensure everything fits perfectly on-site.


Running hand-in-hand with the design phase, this stage is all about planning the perfect path to completion.


We work closely with your delivery teams to develop a final programme, phasing and sequence that suits your project best. With a detailed and watertight plan, you can be rest assured for a seamless project team from start to finish.


Our resourceful production team swings into action, sourcing, crafting and pre-assembling the products for your project.

Once everything’s ready they’re delivered to the site, pre-sorted for each installation and ready for distribution to the right locations across your site.


With the design finalised, the programme set, and the products delivered, it’s go-time!

Our industry-leading QA system ensures constant communication with HQ, guaranteeing high-quality installation and quick problem resolution.

Our specialist installers arrive on site, fully prepared and wearing the correct, Cube-branded PPE for the job. Even our directors make regular site visits to ensure stringent H&S requirements are followed (yes, they’ll be in Cube-branded PPE too!).

So whenever you see us in our Cube workwear, you’ll know who we are and that we’re prioritising safety: give us a wave – we’re a friendly bunch!


Our service doesn’t stop at installation; we regularly return to the site to ensure everything is in peak condition and performing as it should.

With our experts always available you can relax, knowing we're your personal, professional partners.









...because we know you’ll want to partner with us again!

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